“What is intelligence? Is not all intelligence artificial, shaped by society? Social Robots brings natural sciences closer to “softer” subjects. In this type of technology opposites attract and they need to be united, says Karin Victorin.” (From an article in Ny Teknik, 2017)
How Does AI See You?
A seminar on AI, chatbots, and digital recruitment tools—and how human selective bias tends to transfer into algorithms.
Artificial intelligence and digital tools are taking on an increasingly prominent role in recruitment processes. How will this impact HR and the recruitment industry? And how might it affect you personally?
There are visions within AI technology aimed at eliminating or bypassing bias—to create a more neutral reading of human qualities beyond stereotypes and prejudices that risk discrimination based on gender, age, class, race, and more.
This lecture does not offer definitive answers but instead opens up a dialogue about the importance of increasing awareness. It invites a discussion about the pros and cons of AI tools in recruitment and the labor market. The conversation also touches on the broader challenge we all face as AI increasingly impacts public services and our so-called “private” lives.
The larger question at stake: Where does the ‘human’ fit in the digitalized AI society?
Hur ser AI på dig?
Ett seminarium om AI, chatbots och digitala rekryteringsverktyg och hur mänsklig selektiv bias tenderar att transfereras till algoritmer.
Artificiell Intelligens och digitala verktyg tar allt större plats i rekryteringsprocesser. Hur kommer den påverka HR och rekryteringsbranschen? Samt dig personligen? Det finns visioner inom AI-teknologi att eliminera eller kringgå bias. Att genom teknologi skapa en mer neutral avläsning av människan, bortom stereotyper och fördomar som riskerar medföra diskriminering kopplat till genus, ålder, klass, ras och så vidare.
Föreläsningen ger inga definitiva svar, utan öppnar upp för vikten av att bredda medvetenheten. Att öppna en dialog kring för- och nackdelar med AI-verktyg med fokus på rekrytering och arbetsmarknaden. Den handlar också om utmaningen vi ALLA står inför då AI alltmer inverkar på offentliga samhällsfunktioner och våra ”privata” liv. Den större frågeställningen berör; vart tar ”människan” vägen i det digitaliserade AI-samhället?
Karin Victorin har en internationell master i social science och genusvetenskap från Linköpings universitet. Hon har undersökt begrepp som agens, kropp och genus kopplat till artificiell intelligens och sociala robotar. 2021 skrev hon en masteruppsats där hon jämför ett svenskt AI-rekryteringsverktyg, i form av en rekryteringsbot som försäkrar fördomsfri rekrytering, med internationella exempel på AI och rekryteringschatbots. 2017 skapade hon en teaterföreställning på Orionteatern (Stockholm) med en social robot som protagonist, i samarbete med Furhat Robotics (KTH). Scenproduktionen resulterade i ett undersökande experiment som hon senare presenterat bland annat på Bloomberg i New York samt i en masteruppsats (2019).

This is me after my talk about AI, Society, and Art at Bloomberg Headquarters in New York (2018). I was invited to talk about my theatre play in which I invited a social robot to play the role of the protagonist, and also about my academic research on AI/social robots and aspects of agency.

Karin Victorin on AI, Robots, and Job Interviews: Risks and Opportunities in Recruitment Technology
Karin Victorin is a TV producer and creator with a passionate interest in how AI and robotics influence people and society. In episode 43 of the podcast Framtidens Färdigheter (Skills of the Future), she joins Futurion’s Ann-Therése Enarsson to discuss the risks and opportunities when job interviews are conducted by a robot instead of a human.
Social robots are gaining more space and are increasingly used as aids in recruitment processes.
“What’s truly booming right now, thanks to ChatGPT, are recruitment tools based on chatbots,” says Karin Victorin on the podcast.
Recruitment bots are marketed as unbiased — a robot, being “blind,” cannot discriminate based on skin color, age, or gender. But there are several cases where things have gone wrong, Karin Victorin points out:
“In South Korea, top students struggled to get jobs when a recruitment bot handled the selection process. During the interview, you weren’t allowed to show strong emotions; you had to maintain a neutral facial expression. One young man, a top student, was eliminated from the process because he showed uncertainty in his gaze. This raised big questions for me, especially since I also work in theater. Do we now have to learn to maintain a poker face?” says Karin Victorin.
Another risk arises in executive recruitment, where the robot interprets data to suggest that the best leaders are men — simply because that has been the historical pattern. This has led the tool to predominantly select male candidates.
“It’s good that we’re trying to create bias-free tools, but it’s difficult,” says Victorin.
AI will also impact how job seekers prepare for interviews. Candidates may need to learn how the robot operates and master their body language accordingly.
“People are training for these interviews, which means that those with prior experience have an advantage. There are expensive courses where you learn to ‘act’ for a recruitment tool equipped with biometric systems that read eye contact, enthusiasm, smiles, and speech patterns. Social media has already made us highly aware of our ‘selfie faces.’ Now, it’s reaching an entirely new level,” says Karin Victorin.
Which emotions are hardest for a recruitment robot to read?
“A quality that biometric systems struggle to detect is charisma. It’s also hard to read performance anxiety or self-pity. Complex emotional expressions and personality traits are still very difficult for these systems to interpret.”
So, why use AI in recruitment and HR at all?
“I think it has become popular because it’s highly cost-effective and can reduce bias during the initial screening. But no method is entirely bias-free — at least not yet,” concludes Karin Victorin.
🎧 Listen to the full episode here: Podcast Link